Mr. Sohail Panawala joined the company in 2015 as Manager Operations. He is also an ACCA Affiliate. He has previously worked in Bank Alfalah, where he was lead in a project to implement Anti-Money Laundering policies and Procedures in the Credit Card Division in Pakistan. He was in-charge of overseeing implementation of all processes and was responsible to conduct a successful external audit.
During his time at Bank Alfalah, he also worked alongside Mr. Arslan Rafiq during the initial stages of business development, working as a part time business analyst. Because of his continued support, dedication, knowledge and experience, Mr. Arslan convinced Mr. Sohail to join the team as a full-time employee.
Mr. Sohail is involved in all aspects of business development. He has designed business plans, financial models, completed audits, implemented bookkeeping system for clients and has also worked on developing feasibility studies. Mr. Sohail understands all aspects of our business and has set an exceptional bar for the rest of the team, in terms of quality, dedication and perseverance. With his help, Sentient Solutions has been able to expand exponentially. Together, with Mr. Arlsan, he is now looking to further add value to the business to ensure its on-going growth and success.